Introducing The Journal

A few years ago, I (Simon) turned to Gregg with stars in my eyes and announced, "I'm going to write a book!"

Why, you ask? Imagine a dark, musty room, the air thick with the haunting notes of dashed hopes and lost dreams. Flickering candles cast eerie shadows on the walls, revealing faded, torn wallpaper barely clinging to the crumbling plaster. The scent of aged incense mingled with the faint metallic tang of something indefinable, creating an aura of otherworldly tension.

In the centre of this room stood a small table, draped in a deep, blood-red velvet cloth that seemed to absorb all light. Upon it rested a heavy crystal ball, its surface catching the candlelight and refracting it into ghostly prisms. Decades earlier, in this very room, a young mother sat across from a mysterious tarot reader. The reader, an ancient woman with eyes like blackened voids, peered deeply into the crystal ball, her gnarled fingers caressing a deck of worn, sinister-looking tarot cards.

wedding education shouldn't be boring you to death

The mother, my own, was a picture of trepidation and curiosity. Her hands trembled slightly as the tarot reader began to lay out the cards, each one revealing darker and more cryptic symbols. The room seemed to grow colder, the shadows deeper, as the reader’s voice echoed with a chilling resonance. She spoke of a distant future, of a writer who would emerge from this lineage, whose words would be forged in the fires of ambition and perseverance.

This eerie premonition, though steeped in the macabre, had nothing to do with my inspiration for the book. However, it certainly adds a touch of destiny to the tale.

Isn’t AI utterly mad. All art for this journal shall now be from DALL-E because it’s hilarious!

Where was I?… I turned to Gregg with stars in my eyes and announced, "I'm going to write a book!"

And so began my long journey back into the archives, starting with episode one of the Perspective podcast. I re-listened to every episode, painstakingly jotting down notes and time codes of information I thought needed to be treasured. This was some task, if only ChatGPT had been around back when I started. – imagine listening to hundreds of hours of your own voice! Terrible!

Memories of these recordings had been dormant in my mind, only highlights remained like Richard Leng’s conversation. regarding pricing or Fer Jurista talking about being creative in limited environments but these episodes offer a wealth of perspectives, now dying to be compared and analysed. Each one became a treasure trove of ideas, waiting to be rediscovered and reimagined in written form.

In written form, not as a book as originally intended but as chapters in this blog. Our Journal!

If you're ready to cut through the bullshit and dive headfirst into the raw, unfiltered world of wedding photography and filmmaking, you've picked up the right place. isn't your typical blog — It’s more a wild blend of stories of our long illustrious career, mixed with a whole lot of practical advice, and real talk from some of the greatest minds in the wedding industry.

All it can take is one little thing, one sentence that could drastically alter your mindset and approach to where you’re going to be going. It’s that one percent, one-degree shift in direction that, over time, is going to compound and alter the entire journey you’re on. You’ve got to be open to it.
— Sam Docker




Hey there! We’re Simon and Gregg, two Scottish-based wedding filmmakers who love nothing more than drinking coffee and talking shop with others in the wedding industry. Since 2011, we’ve been around the wedding industry, creating films for hundreds of couples. Our journey hasn’t always been smooth sailing. We’ve hit creative roadblocks, faced dry spells in bookings, and had to reinvent our brand more times than we care to admit. But every challenge has been a lesson, and every setback a stepping stone.

If you’ve tuned into our podcast, even recently, you may know we don’t shy away from tackling everything – from the nitty-gritty of starting out to the highs and lows of running a successful wedding business, and even those “what now?” moments when considering exit strategies.

But how did it all start? Imagine working alongside your favourite photographers, then take it one step further and picture having that opportunity at every single wedding you attend. How do they communicate with clients? What posing techniques do they use? What unique perspectives do they bring to weddings? Is this their passion side project or their full-time gig?

This is why we launched Perspective, our podcast for wedding creatives – to extend our conversations with a wider network of industry professionals.

This is why we launched Perspective, our podcast for wedding creatives – to extend our conversations with a wider network of industry professionals.

By engaging with experts from around the globe, we aim to deepen our understanding of wedding filmmaking and photography and share insights that can help you in your field.

Our blog distils these conversations and Simon’s reflections into a resource you can easily revisit. We've spoken with many incredible individuals, gathering a wealth of perspectives from those doing bold and innovative work within and beyond the wedding industry.

Our journal is a collection of our favourite discussion points and a deep dive into challenges we’ve faced or observed. You’ll find valuable insights, practical advice, and entertaining stories from our industry adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned wedding professional looking to enhance your skills and strategy or just starting out and seeking inspiration, this book is for you. Our goal is to elevate the wedding community by sharing our knowledge and expertise, believing that a rising tide lifts all boats.

If you think you'll find this blog helpful, consider joining us on YouTube and Instagram @perspectivebycinemate and feel free to reach out for support. Together, we can navigate these challenges and continue creating awesome work!

In the meantime… ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!


Perspective Podcast

Welcome to Perspective, a podcast for wedding creatives, where we sit down, often with a special guest, and talk about our many years of experience in the wedding industry so you can learn from us and to help grow your wedding business.

The Booking Drought