The Booking Drought

Navigating the Booking Drought: Staying Positive and Moving Forward

Cinemate have experienced first-hand the highs and lows of the wedding industry. It’s all but enevatable having been filming weddings now for 14 years, but while it's easy to share stories of consultations that lead to dream weddings, it's equally important to address the challenging times when bookings are scarce and inquiries few and far between. Many of us in the industry are facing these struggles right now, so let's talk about how to navigate these tough times, stay positive, and move forward.

The Reality of the Wedding Industry

The UK wedding industry has faced significant challenges recently, with bookings plummeting by 40-50% compared to pre-pandemic levels.

This dramatic downturn can be attributed to widespread cancellations and postponements during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which created substantial uncertainty for couples and vendors alike.

Although there are signs of recovery, the industry has not yet bounced back to its previous highs.

Post-pandemic, couples are still grappling with financial uncertainties and evolving wedding trends. Many are opting for smaller, more intimate ceremonies, while others are planning destination weddings or choosing off-peak dates to save costs. Inflation has also played a role in increasing wedding expenses, pushing couples to find creative ways to manage their budgets. Despite these challenges, the industry is adapting with more personalised and mindful celebrations, indicating a gradual but hopeful path to recovery.

The cautious approach many couples are taking nowadays has led to increased competition from companies offering significantly lower prices. At Cinemate, we've observed couples placing cost above all else and opting for content creators who provide a different style and scope of service. These content creators often focus on social media-friendly content rather than comprehensive wedding films. We hold no negative thoughts toward these content creators—in fact, we think they are absolutely rocking it! They bring a fresh and creative perspective to capturing weddings, and their unique approach resonates well with many couples.

For those in the industry who feel threatened by this shift, it's essential to focus on perfecting your own business rather than comparing yourself to others. If content creators are affecting your business, it might be time to re-evaluate and strengthen your own offerings. By honing your craft and delivering exceptional service, you can continue to thrive in this evolving landscape. Embrace the diversity within the industry and use it as motivation to innovate and excel in your own niche. There are, of course, more issues than just this very specific one many are facing.

Late last year, Gregg and I realised that we just weren't utilising our website effectively. At that time, our site was built on WordPress, and its clunky back-end made it difficult to use.

Gregg took steps to migrate our site to Squarespace, which provided the flexibility to maintain our visual branding and allowed us to more easily create and post content like blogs.

However, the timing was unfortunate. We lost significant traffic, and our inquiries heavily relied on referrals and relationship building. This shift meant we had to support the move by focusing on getting our own couples, something that aligned with our long-term goals.

To help, we hired an SEO expert to work on our site's backend, create content for links, and ensure our site grows healthily, so Google ranks us well again.

Adding to the challenge is battling the negative mindset of "is the fight worth it." It's easy to feel defeated when this should be the time for a "let's move forward" attitude. Reflecting on our journey, it's clear that business ebbs and flows with turmoil and success.

Thinking back on our early career mishaps, which revolved around not finding our identity or focusing on our audience. We've been through periods of high bookings but low pricing, realising that we need ed to invest in our business's branding and marketing.

Recently, we've focused on weddings in Scotland for specific clients and found strength in engaging with Instagram, TikTok, website blogging, podcasting, and running a co-working space. These are only a few instances where there’s been the need for a big focus and drive to get business back on track. It isn’t, however, a list of everything that has gone awry.

A fun fact: we finally got a TikTok enquiry after months of effort. The enquiry read:

"Your work shows the magic that lies in the couple's love by weaving together moments of genuine emotion with imaginative visuals. You craft a narrative that feels both personal and grand. Each video looks tailored specifically to the couple, capturing personalities while ensuring that the love story is immortalised with all the charm and allure of a feature film.

We’re from an island in Canada. I grew up surrounded by nature, and he’s from our city. He truly is the love of my life. I feel like we were meant to find each other. He’s the first person who has ever let me be authentically myself and fully embraced who I am. He proposed on March 22, 2023. With our jobs, it’s hard to plan far in advance. He is in our local military unit, and I run a non-profit supporting our fisheries. Our schedules don’t always align, so we’re excited to elope in Scotland this October. Eloping allows us to focus on us and our future, avoiding the showiness we’ve seen in other weddings. The Isle of Skye would be a dream come true!"

Receiving such a heartfelt enquiry reminds us why we do what we do and keeps us motivated. We'll keep you updated on whether this booking transpires but it came through at a time I (Simon) was considering TikTok to be a waste of valuable time.

Staying Positive and Moving Forward

Staying Positive and Moving Forward

Despite these hardships, it's crucial to stay positive and find ways to move forward. Here are some strategies we've found helpful and maybe something to work on that will help you:

Embrace Transparency: When a couple chooses another service, don't be afraid to ask who they selected or even why. This transparency can provide valuable insights into what you might need to improve or adjust in your offerings. For example, if a couple opted for a different videographer because they offered a more flexible package, you might consider introducing more customisable options in your pricing structure. Similarly, if they chose someone who provided a more comprehensive social media package, you could look into adding or enhancing your own social media services. Understanding these reasons can help you stay competitive and better meet the needs of future clients. Embracing transparency not only helps you improve but also demonstrates your commitment to providing the best possible service, fostering trust and respect with both current and potential clients.

Utilise Video Calls: We've shifted from emails to phone calls, phone calls to Zoom calls for consultations over the years, and found that face-to-face connection is so beneficial. For example, video calls help couples see your passion and body language, creating a more personal connection. When couples can truly see your enthusiasm, it builds trust and rapport in a way that written communication simply can't match. Additionally, video calls allow for a more interactive and dynamic consultation process, where you can share visual examples, discuss ideas in real-time, and respond to their reactions instantly. This approach not only enhances the client experience but also helps you convey the unique value and dedication you bring to their special day.

What do your couples want?

Creating Custom Proposals: Instead of traditional invoices, create custom proposals to significantly enhance your business and client relationships. These proposals visually showcase the unique value you bring, aligning perfectly with the couple’s goals and your branding, thus making a lasting impression. One of the key benefits is the flexibility in pricing structures. Often, you might find yourself at an event realising you’ve undercharged for your services, whether it’s because you wanted a specific venue in your portfolio or you didn't fully grasp the scope of work required. By adopting custom proposals, you can adjust your pricing more dynamically to reflect the true value of your services, ensuring that both you and your clients are satisfied. This approach not only benefits your business by allowing you to charge appropriately for your efforts but also provides transparency and customisation for your clients. They receive a tailored experience that aligns with their vision and budget, fostering trust and satisfaction. For those who argue against flexible pricing on moral grounds, it’s important to highlight that this method promotes fairness and ensures that the quality of work is matched by appropriate compensation. This ultimately leads to better service and happier clients, reinforcing the positive aspects of custom proposals in your business strategy.

Active Listening: In the creative industry, it's easy to get caught up in talking about what you do, what you offer, and why you offer it. However, this focus can sometimes lead to neglecting the actual needs of the clients you are serving. From my experience living in a neurodivergent household, I've noticed how crucial it is to genuinely listen. There have been moments when, instead of listening to my spouse, I've been preoccupied with thinking about how to present my point in a way that makes me look better. Recognising this behaviour in myself has been eye-opening. To truly connect with couples, you need to improve your soft skills by being present, taking notes, and genuinely understanding their needs. Empathy, confidence, and effective communication can significantly enhance your booking rates. Active listening involves more than just hearing words; it requires understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. By focusing on what your couples are saying and responding thoughtfully, you can build stronger relationships and better tailor your services to meet their needs. This approach not only demonstrates your commitment to their vision but also helps you stand out in a competitive market.

Avoid discounts or you’ll be permed!

Avoid Drastic Discounts: While it might be tempting to offer significant discounts during tough times, doing so can lead to undervaluing your work and potentially cause burnout. We believe that maintaining the integrity and value of our services is crucial for sustaining our brand’s high-end appeal. Consequently, we have always avoided discounting our products or running sales, as this could diminish the perceived value of what we offer. Instead, we focus on adding value rather than cutting prices. When we feel the need to secure a potential booking, we opt to enhance our packages by offering additional services that are already part of our workflow. For instance, we might include a social media edit at no extra cost, since we create these for every wedding regardless. Alternatively, we could offer a complimentary speech edit for clients who purchase the ceremony edit as again we create these regardless. These added bonuses provide value to our clients without compromising our pricing structure or the perception of our brand’s quality. In fact, offering these to specific clients bolsters our relationship with them. By making reasonable adjustments and maintaining our standards, we ensure that we are not working for less than our worth and still appeal to potential clients.

Who doesn’t like pancakes with pals?

Seek support: Remember, you're not alone. Reach out to fellow photographers and videographers, join community groups, and share your experiences. Social media is an amazing tool, but we've heard so many people say, "Oh, I didn't recognise that was you because of your picture," which highlights the lack of real socialness on any app. We believe that putting actual face-to-face time with real creatives is important, which is why we meet up with others for pancakes, or paddleboard or drinks. If you feel you're in need of such camaraderie, we're always open to chatting and providing support, so feel free to reach out to us anytime or hang out with us if we're in the co-working space. Having a positive sounding board and accountability can make a significant difference in navigating the challenges of the industry.


Reflect and Adapt

During these challenging times, take the opportunity to reflect on your processes. Review your calls, proposals, and overall approach. Sometimes, despite doing everything right, the connection just isn’t a good fit, or the couple's budget is inflexible. Other times, there might be areas for improvement in how you communicate your value and connect with potential clients.

The Bigger Picture

The current downturn is part of the cyclical nature of any industry even if this downturn is overly potent. Even after 14 years, we at Cinemate still experience seasons of struggle. These times force us to innovate, improve, and become more resilient. By staying positive, adapting our strategies, and supporting each other, we can weather this storm and come out stronger on the other side.

To all the photographers and videographers out there facing similar struggles, know that you're not alone. This is part of the entrepreneurial journey, and it's okay to feel uncertain. Stay the course, keep refining your craft, and remember that the work you do has immense value.

If you think you'll find this blog helpful, consider joining us on YouTube and Instagram @perspectivebycinemate and feel free to reach out for support. Together, we can navigate these challenges and continue creating awesome work!

In the meantime… ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!

Perspective Podcast

Welcome to Perspective, a podcast for wedding creatives, where we sit down, often with a special guest, and talk about our many years of experience in the wedding industry so you can learn from us and to help grow your wedding business.

Revisiting Our Podcast Episode with Neil Thomas Douglas


Introducing The Journal